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I set some wood pulp aside, and muse a moment or two, maybe three, who knows when it comes to moments... Not quite the same, any two, but sometimes, like when I'm laughing out loud, all alone in a house I share with only animals, I think, By golly and then I'm done, but still laughing...

New inspiration from various angles, and I wonder when I'll find the time to breathe it all in and back out again, leave my own wood pulp behind (plenty already, but fit for use as toilet paper, as it all is and would be in a pinch), a loaf of thought sliced and orderly on a shelf with pleasant markings of official being, a little more than pages pulled at random from an old bag of books that really holds just random slices of paper.

Always happens like this, though... sit down to it and suddenly all the muses are on leave, left (I am) with question marks and curses and the no-mind I seek anyway, a prism admitting everything and observing the rainbow I can't grasp, a prison, bars unnecessary, not with gas stations keeping the spirits cool and waiting.

Meander a while and eventually, I think, I'll find some gem that makes the prism effects seem dull by comparison... But just a few days ago, I was laughing to myself, amazed at this rainbow from nowhere, to nowhere, just colors from twisted light, and imagine that... a promise? Nah, just a perversion of that elusive pure white light... Think I matter, but my matter is just condensation, and filled with impurities (doped, like so many other isotopes).

But the moment flows anyway, through and around and in spite of me, ears open, eyes open, mind open, and we all reel, so exposed, so innocent in our impurity... But I think back to most recent photos of my brothers and me, three monkeys, hearing, seeing, speaking no evil, but so often appearing that way anyway, thanks to filters and special effects and mumbo jumbo fit for a king.

And so it goes, as I click here and there, come to life and die spontaneously every other moment, no matter the duration, persevering 'cause I'm not sure what else to do.

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