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Feeling like I dunno what now... A difficult evening, a difficult day, Good Friday...

Not so good. Had to do something, did what I had to do, to preserve my own sanity, ease the stress that's had me going crazy lately... and only leads to tears. Mine don't flow, just sink back inside and drip down to make me sick to my stomache.

One day we'll all see love as it is

When? Hope it's soon, all made clear in an instant, the things we've had wrong for so long... One-on-one or many-to-one or vice versa but I'm you, you're me, just coming at this from different angles, differing perspectives, unalterable pasts that cloud vision of now... though only now, all there is, it builds on itself and multiplication tables don't lead me to any reasonable answer for the suffering.

So I drink, smoke, go pee in the yard, breathe in night's pleasant peace... but back of mind pipes up, "Say, look for that omen, Planet X!" and I see it with my naked eye, a manifestation of the destruction we seem to seek, heading this way and looking like the Death Star... Where's Luke?

But I'm Matthew (although GeneO tends to call me Mark) and it's all so much nonsense, so many piled up words that fail to change minds... moreover fail to change hearts, words worn out and tired like me...

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Don't try to sell me your New Age guru troubles. 'Cause I'm already reeling doing that good time gospel shuffle. And all your thumpings about some Armageddon ain't no big deal, 'cause I already hang with Him.

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