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Coming to a boil

One night I challenged myth by watching a pot of water come to a boil. Not content merely to watch casually, I leaned over, hovering over the pot, coating my glasses in steam when the heat started making some phase change progress.

Tiny bubbles, to start with, form on the bottom of the pot. A fine covering, at first, such that you don't notice they're bubbles. Then they begin to merge, and merging, swell. Here, there, everywhere new tiny bubbles form in the gaps between the consolidating, cooperating bubbles...until a few start to reach some critical volume, break free from the pot and rise.

A few at first, then a few more, always more rising every instant, steam starting to be uncomfortable...Until the water is boiling, something altogether different in the tumult of bubbles from what it was while I watched the bubbles form, grow and rise.

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