let's fo gishin said fritz
what else comes together like now?


bug report

I sit staring at the blank page. I have something to say but nothing flows. The ideas are still cloudy hiding in the shadows of my mind. I check email. Nothing. Logon to instant messenger... no one there... or else everyone is idle. Check the irc window. Nothing. All is still around me. No one is here but me and my cats. The world took a trip and I wasn't invited. So here I am. Alone with a blank page. Words hesitate to visit me here... afraid they'll miss the last flight out to wherever the rest of the world has gone. I try to coax them to stay for a visit... to take their shoes off and kick back on the sofa. Maybe we can watch a movie later. But they will not be persuaded.

So it's just me and 2 cats. The crunching in the kitchen stops and the little shadow appears... finds a blanket to curl up on, then disappears.

And so it goes Another weekend drifted by unnoticed The words say they will not stay No their best friend Punctuation left a while ago and they will not abide me As I sit letting time pass No period to end the day No exclamation point to break the monotony Not even a comma to create a pause Nothing but time

Tick tock. The words are collecting their things. Ask for a ride to the airport but I dodge the question, hoping against hope that I can convince them to stay with me. Rather than listen to my plea, they call a cab. I watch them load their bags into the yellow car and disappear... I watch the yellow dot blend into the grey and disappear. And now it is just me and the sleeping shadows. Time continues to mill about, doing what it does... all the while ignoring me as I sit and stare at the blank page before me.
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i'm against a homogenized society because I want the cream to rise.
Robert Frost

Esperanto League
for North America

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