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Went rambling around in the yard this afternoon, something I do all too seldom, all things considered. What a great yard to ramble in! Ramble off into the woods and feel fine. Molly and Soxy come along, Molly sniffing all around, seems random to me, but I know she's following her nose... and Soxy, so un-cat-like, follows me, jumps across the little creek with far more grace than I did, and we ramble through brambles and maybe pick up a few ticks.

I squat here and there, grateful for grounding and the relative silence, just breezy tree sounds, critters here and there, buzzes and caws and splashes... The vague rhythm in footsteps, mine, the dog's, the cat's (so near-silent) are nearly a disturbance to the tangible flow. Watch a floating pine seed drift and disappear in ripples to my left, current unobservable in front of me, but sure enough, there, always.

It brings some measure of peace back to mind, breathing unthinking walking squatting, just being in the woods instead of slouched over in front of yet another monitor... to monitor life, in some fashion, somehow, some kinda way, while life is in the yard, clearly. Just such a convenient interface to a larger world, as even now I type here to no one in particular, and type below to folks I've never met. Links always being created, destroyed (tick I killed inside later, wanted to feed on me and I still felt bad), and we grow and grow, bending to the light.

To be....

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