**************** WhoNose-0.2a **************** A slightly different 'engine' for your snazzy new web site. 1. History I just wasn't satisfied with my boring ol' web site. I was just as not satisfied with the pre-existing solutions, various 'content management systems.' And I wanted to learn anyway, so... I took what I'd learned with writing 'dbhome' (also included with WhoNose) and just started 'rolling my own' web site content management system. And I made it random. And in making it random, I used $whoknows as the variable name for my random row selection things, leading us to WhoNose as a thingie in its own right. 2. Usage You might want to get a feel for how www.paperlove.org works. However, customization is possible, so feel free. Soon I'll have more documented and that may help. It'll help me for sure. ;) - First unpack the tarball. - Edit dbcnx.php to insert your info. - Do this: 'mv dbcnx.php ..' The idea is to get it up a level from your doc root so it won't be quite so accessible to the world, so if WhoNose is deeper the doc root, you'll have to grep for ../dbcnx and insert another .. or whatever, I guess. - Create a MySQL database, if you don't already have one. - Use struct.sql to create the WhoNose tables. - See if it works. - Start messing with stuff. The look and feel isn't very modularized right now, so it'll be a pain to customize it, I bet. But that's on the todo list... See INSTALL for less information.